MS: 0030-0079-VN-00003
Sun Chlorella "A" contains a powerful combination of nutrients that work naturally with your body to nurture your health from the inside out. The amount and variety of vitamins and minerals per gram of Sun Chlorella are significantly higher than most other foods. Sun Chlorella is also highly digestible, thanks to a unique technology called the DYNO®-Mill Process, which is patented to Sun Chlorella Corporation in the USA and Japan. This is the significant difference between Sun Chlorella and other chlorella brands in the market, that enable Sun Chlorella products to truly contribute to your health improvement.
High-quality chlorella abundantly contains the basic nutrient required for health
Sun Chlorella “A” is a high-quality and balanced nutritional supplement rich in various nutrients.
- Sun Chlorella “A” contains nutrients in green and yellow vegetables such as essential amino acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll, and carotene that are essential to a healthy body.
- 60% of protein is contained which is not found in most food. And because we use Chlorella pyrenoidosa (SUN CHLORELLA strain) that is cultivated outdoors, our chlorella extract contains much chlorella growth factor (C. G. F.).
- Our unique and patented technology succeeds in breaking down the cell walls by 90%, thereby solving the only remaining problem of tough cell walls that hindered digestion and absorption. Hence this product is sure to satisfy not only first-time users but also those who experienced dissatisfaction with conventional chlorella products or other health foods. Also available in granule form.
- Reduces the volume of fat in the body, sugar in the blood, and serum cholesterol levels.
- Helps fight type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
- Strengthens the immune system in cancer patients.
- Improves irritable bowel syndrome, helps prevent constipation, and aids digestion.
- Acts as a natural antidepressant and stress reliever.
- Helps relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, and hypertension
How to use:
Take 15 tablets/ day.
※ To LOSE weight: Use Sun Chlorella 'A' BEFORE having breakfast 1 hour
※ To GAIN weight: Use Sun Chlorella 'A' AFTER eating
Effective in the first two weeks of using, toxins, heavy metals,... will be eliminated from your body.
In the first year, Sun Chlorella helps your body back to ideal weight (everyone has a different ideal weight). After that, your weight will be stabilized
Depending on your physicality, effective of Sun Chlorella is quick or slow
Chlorella algae powder (Pyrenoidosa) 100%.
60g (~300 tablets)
300g (~1,500 tablets)
Sun Chlorella Corporation, Kyoto, Japan