Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml
Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml
Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml

Japanese sake Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo 720ml


Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo

At the National Sake Appraisal Competition, this sake has won a gold award for four consecutive years. “Tenryo Hidahomare Junmai Ginjo” is a sake made with meticulous attention, utilizing only “HidaHomare” rice, which has a brilliant history of producing sake of exceptional quality.

During the brewing process, they carefully use flower yeast that provides a soft and elegant fragrance to create this fine sake.

“Hidahomare” rice is known for its large grain size and low protein content, which ensures that the sake brewed from it is delicate and refined. The brewing technique takes advantage of the rice’s characteristics and refines it to an ultra-high polish, fermenting it in the clear streams of Hida. The flavor slowly spreads in the mouth at first, then finishes cleanly and crisply, making it an excellent choice to pair with a wide range of dishes.

Ingredients: Rice (Hidahomare variety)

Polishing ratio: 50%

Alcohol: 15-16%

Sake meter value (SMV): +3 to +5

Acidity: 1.3 to 1.5

Best served chilled or at room temperature


Tenryo Sake Brewery

Location: Gifu Prefecture, Hida City

The Tenryo Sake Brewery was established in the Kanbun Era (around 1680). It was originally run by merchants who traveled between the main parts of Japan and Kyoto-Osaka regions, carrying on the brewing of sake.

The water used for brewing comes from the pristine streams of Hida, which have been the lifeblood of the brewery. Tengun Sake has been highly evaluated both in Japan and overseas, winning numerous awards, and is praised for its outstanding quality and flavor.
