Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml

Japanese Sake Jyoku Gen 720ml


The bold Sake has 19-20% alcohol by volume called Genshu.
Genshu means not being watered down to its original strength at the brewery.  It's a mellow sake that is full of the original flavor of sake. It can be served with water, hot water, or a splash of water to find the favorite "thickness" for you. You can also change the flavor depending on your mood or the atmosphere of the day.

Pairing with Steak, Sashimi "Red fish”, Yakiniku are recommended.

Brewery: Hachinohe Shurui, Aomori

Sake Type: Rich & Full

ABV: 19 - 20%

Polish Ratio: 70%

Rice: Aomori 

SMV: +4

Acidity: 1.5

About Brewery

In 1944, due to a wartime corporate control order, five neighboring breweries got together and jointly established Hachinohe Brewery Co.
The brewery is still brewing and producing sake under the new brand name "Jyoku" in the same brewery as before.
We are striving to further refine "Pure and Clean", "Full Flavor", and "Smooth Aftertaste" to create "Umashi-shu" means "Rich Umami Sake" a sake unique to Goto area where is the brewery located.

About Aomori

Aomori Prefecture is also the northernmost prefecture in the Tōhoku region and Honshū, and includes Iwate and Akita prefectures in the northeastern part of Japan.
In addition to the World Heritage Site of Shirakami Sanchi (Mt. Shirakami), the prefecture is home to many natural environments, including the scenic Lake Towada, Mount Hakkoda, Mount Iwaki, and Butsugaura on the Shimokita Peninsula.
